CTC invests in industrial and commercial properties

CTC invests in industrial and commercial properties

CTC is now introducing a new brand of building heat pumps for residential, industrial and commercial buildings.
- With CTC Professional, we can offer the right heat pump for any construction project and the right solution for any challenge," says Ulf Göthenqvist, Sales Manager at CTC.

Four series included

CTC Professional includes four series of heat pumps from 20-229 kW:

  • CTC EcoTouch 500 is available in four sizes of 20-42 kW.
  • CTC EcoTouch 5000 is available in 5 sizes with an output of 48-85 kW.
  • CTC EcoTouch 5100 is available in 4 sizes with a power of 11-238 kW
  • CTC EcoTouch 5000 and 5100 have 9 different sizes with an output of 48-229 kW.

The range also includes CTC EcoPack hot water exchangers 38-100 kW, CTC AT cooling tanks in 3 different sizes of 1,000-2,000 litres and heating tanks in 6 different sizes of 1,000-4,000 litres.

Over 500 large real estate projects

Although the CTC Professional concept is new, CTC's experience with heating solutions for larger buildings is solid and goes back a long way.

- We have delivered and commissioned our heat pumps to well-known and satisfied property customers in over 500 projects. Our references include both national and international projects - hotels, banks, hospitals, flerfamily homes and well-known customers such as Ikea, says Ulf Göthenqvist.

Clever solutions

In addition to environmentally friendly heat from air, groundwater or rock, thermal energy from industrial processes can also be used for sustainable heating in buildings.

- For example, waste heat is generated as a by-product of food freezing, an energy-saving potential that often remains unused. By integrating waste heat and combining it with the heat of the heat pump in the heating system, this opportunity can be used optimally," says Ulf.

Here are the benefits

Here are all the benefits of CTC's modern heat pumps for larger properties:

  • Lowest possible energy consumption - providing 5 times more energy than they consume.
  • Provides renewable energy from the air or the mountain.
  • Optimised building efficiency and carbon footprint.
  • Combination of heating and cooling in one system.
  • Reduced sizing of the geothermal heat source.
  • High degree of automation even when flerent systems are combined.

Published: 2021-10-27

Updated: 2024-02-01