Product serial number guide

Product serial number guide

Here are a few tips on where to find your CTC product's serial number and what it means.

Example of data plate

  • On the product is a small serial number plate and a large data plate.
  • Example of the product's serial number: 7312-1712-0719. The first four digits indicate the type of product, the second four indicate the manufacture year and week. In this example: CTC EcoAir 510M, 2017 week 12. The last four digits indicate the sequential number.

CTC GSi 12 (the serial number starts with 7310-)
CTC EcoZentih i350 L/H (the serial number starts with 7208-)

  • The serial number plate is located behind the display. Carefully lift up the display from the right-hand side. In some cases, it may also be located on the top of the product, behind the cover.
  • The data plate with the product serial number is located inside the front plate of the electrical cabinet.

CTC EcoZenith i250 L/H (serial number begins with 7208-)
CTC EcoHeat 400 (serial number begins with 7310-)

  • The serial number plate is located behind the display. Carefully lift up the display from the right-hand side. In some cases, the serial number plate may be located on top, underneath the cover.
  • The data plate with the product's serial number is located behind the front on the inside of the right side panel. Pull the cover forwards and lift it up. Loosen the two screws on the top and carefully loosen the front.

CTC EcoAir 406–410 and CTC EcoAir 510M (serial number begins with 7312-)
CTC EcoAir 415–420 and CTC EcoAir 520M (serial number begins with 7311-).

  • The serial number plate is located on the back at the pipes.
  • The data plate with the product serial number is located inside the plastic front. Loosen the two screws at the sides of the upper panel and remove the front panel.


CTC EcoPart, CTC EcoPart 425–435 and CTC EcoPart Pro i425–i435 (the serial number begins with 7301-)

  • The data plate with the product serial number is located on the top of the product.

CTC EcoZenith i550 Pro (begins with 7250-)

  • The data plate is located on the side of the product.

Published: 2019-07-12

Updated: 2024-03-11