"CTC's heat pumps are easy to connect"

"CTC's heat pumps are easy to connect"

Tommy Sandström, HVAC installer at Rör-Center in Ljungby, asserts this with confidence.
"Plus there are never any problems with them."

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Tommy Sandström works as a HVAC installer at Rör-Center i Ljungby AB and is happy to share his experience with CTC as a heat pump supplier. 

Tommy has worked at Rör-Center for a long time and says he enjoys his varied tasks. They involve service, repair jobs and new installations. A large proportion of new installations are heat pumps.

Heat pumps require professional installation

"Customers entrust HVAC installers to perform the work professionally. The heat pump is connected to the energy source and then you install hot and cold water as well as inflow and outflow to the radiator circuit," explains Tommy.

The support at CTC is great

Tommy Sandström

Different suppliers of heat pumps

Over the years, he has installed heat pumps from a wide range of manufacturers. The selection is made by the customer. When the installations involve heat pumps from CTC, it always means a smooth workflow for Tommy, as he explains:

"CTC's heat pumps are very easy to connect because all the connections are easily accessible and all the cables are routed. A good manual is also included and the display is straightforward. And the heat pumps are always up and running at the first start-up.

How an air-to-water heat pump works >>

Talk to a specialist

The few times that Tommy has had to contact CTC for support, he has been given the best possible guidance and support.
"The support at CTC is great. You are immediately connected to personnel who have been specially trained in the various products. This means you get the correct assistance from the outset.

Published: 2022-12-12

Updated: 2023-10-18